Alliance releases names of this year’s All Florida exhibitors
The Alliance for the Arts’ eagerly-anticipated 37th Annual All Florida Juried Exhibit opens with a 5:00-7:00 p.m. reception for the artists on Friday, March 3. From the 700-plus submissions that the Alliance received this year, juror Grace Gdaniec selected 66 pieces, which come from the studios and ateliers of the following artists: Phyllis Abedi, Domenica Acquarulo, Barbara Balzer, Linda Behar, Austin Bell, Stephanie
Bishop, Sarah Black-Sadler, Jerilyn Brown, Martha Cantu, Hilda Champion, Taylor Crato, Chandler Culotta, Giampaolo Curreri, Dana Donaty, Kim Eifrid, Kasia Farkas, Anders Fernach, Marine Fonteyne, Karl Ford, Nelson Garcia, Valerie Ghoussaini, Muffy Clark Gill, Elise Gold Sewall, Arlet Gomez, Anna Goraczko, Sue Graef, Lisa-Nichol Herd, Roberto Hernandez, Linda Hugues, Maria-Alejandra Icaza Paredes, Dawn Inglis Montgomery, Dan Jensen, Dirce Kennedy, Kathleen Kinkopf, Wendy Kusmaul Keeling, Mary LaGarde, Isabella Lares, Dorotha Lemeh, Eileen Lyons, Bruce MacKechnie,
Cheryl Maeder, Nicole Maynard, Pauline Nguyen, Laura Nisita, Lisette Otero Lewis, Luna Palazzolo, Judy Polstra, Connor Poovey, Joy Purcell, Galal Ramadan, Grace Ramsey Barbara Redondo, Joel Shapses, Carlos Sierra, Don Silvestri, Clint Sleeper, Arlen Smith, Austin Stanbury, Thomas Stollar, Jordan Thompson, Lisa Tracy, Laird Vue, Christopher Weeks, Steven Williams, Eric Wilson, Amanda Zirzow.
The opening reception is 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Friday, March 3 in the Alliance main gallery at 10091 McGregor Boulevard, Fort Myers.
March 1, 2023.
Alliance receives record number of submissions for annual All Florida Exhibition