Cicero McCarter just happy to work wi...
Cicero McCarter did not come to theater in the normal way. He didn’t perform from the time he could walk, and didn’t...
For Rachael Endrizzi, directing is al...
[This is the third and final installment of Art Southwest Florida’s series of articles on actor, director and arts...
Online options don’t offer esca...
[This is the second of three articles based on an interview given recently by actor, director and arts instructor...
Rachael Endrizzi doing what she can w...
[This is the first of a three-part series featuring actor, director and teaching artist Rachael Endrizzi.] Earlier...
Cicero McCarter uses inner conflict t...
A few years ago, Producing Artistic Director Bill Taylor and Theatre Conspiracy at the Alliance decided to showcase...
Setting sights on film, Kinley Gomez ...
Kinley Gomez is going places. Just not to Southern California in June. That had been the plan. The incoming senior at...
Mike Edouard
Mike Edouard is a local young actor whose stage credits include the Musical Comedy Murders of the 1940s, Lauren...
With ‘Sordid Lives,’ Bria...
Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives provides actor Brian Linthicum a certain level of synchronicity in a world...