Wegman & Massing ‘Two Clev...
Florida Southwestern State College is exhibiting William WEGMAN & Jack MASSING: TWO CLEVER BY HALF – A Call...

Christo and Jeanne-Claude retrospecti...
CHRISTO & JEANNE-CLAUDE: The Tom Golden Collection opened in the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery at Florida...

Q&A with Guerrilla Girl Frida Ka...
On view in the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery on the Lee campus of Florida SouthWestern State College is GUERRILLA GIRLS:...

Dr. Wendy Chase to give lecture prior...
At 6:00 p.m. on January 17, Dr. Wendy Chase will give a pre-opening lecture in connection with Guerrilla Girls:...

Guerrilla Girls set to rattle some ca...
Florida SouthWestern State College will be presenting GUERRILLA GIRLS: Rattling Cages Since 1985 from January 17...

‘Steve KEENE: 57 Miles or 455 F...
Opening April 12 at Florida SouthWestern State College is Steve KEENE: 57 Miles or 455 Furlongs, a newly...

Franco-Linzy collaborative exhibit op...
Florida SouthWestern State College has announced the opening of James FRANCO & Kalup LINZY: Collaborations at...
Gaining an appreciation of ‘Pho...
Ann Hamilton created Phora in 2005. The term has both Greek and Latin derivations. The Greek word pherein means “to...