Soccer, serendipity and Lab Theater...
In Lab Theater’s summer intensive camp production of Sarah DeLappe’s The Wolves, we listen in on nine teenage girls...
‘Wolves’ cast gets Lab su...
Cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, softball, volleyball and soccer. Each of these high school and intramural activities...
Meet ‘The Wolves’ youthfu...
Opening tomorrow at the Laboratory Theater of Florida for just five performances is Sarah DeLappe’s The Wolves,...
How legendary Miss Tracy became an ic...
Clayton Brown portrays Miss Tracy Mills in Lab Theater’s production of The Legend of Georgia McBride. Miss Tracy is...
Outfit No. 13 – channeling Krys...
Backstory Following the black patent leather caged corset outfit in the “What Lola Wants” scene, Miss Tracy Mills...
Outfit No. 12 – what Lola wants...
Backstory For Miss Tracy Mills’ third drag number in The Legend of Georgia McBride, actor and costumer Clayton Brown...
Outfit No. 16 – take a bow
For the bows, Clayton Brown dresses his character, Miss Tracy Mills, in a long duster and silver wig. “The...
Outfit No. 14 – soft and velvet...
From the red evening gown, Miss Tracy goes to a black velvet catsuit. “I had a big beautiful necklace picked...