Tune in to the ‘Realish Housewi...
Up next on Lab Theater’s LabTV virtual platform is The Realish Housewives of Fort Myers by Second City alum Tim...
‘Rest Stops of America’ e...
The Laboratory Theater of Florida will present an audio-visual hybrid film and stage production of Rest Stops of...
Linda Onorevole is Belle in LabTVR...
On Sunday, October 4, Lab Theater dta (doing theater as) LabTV will air the final showing of Disenchanted:...
‘Disenchanted’ princesses...
LabTV made its debut on Friday with a filmed theater production of Dennis T. Giacino’s Disenchanted!...
‘Disenchanted’ dates, tim...
Play: Disenchanted: A New Musical Comedy! (Stay-At-Home Version) Playwright (Book, Lyrics, Music): Dennis T. Giacino...
‘Disenchanted!’ an indict...
Over the course of its previous eleven seasons, the Laboratory Theater of Florida has perfected the parody, and its...
Lab embarks on hybrid theater-film mo...
With no end to the pandemic in sight and Broadway closed until after the first of the year, area theaters are having...
Lab announces virtual auditions for &...
Lab Theater is accepting video auditions for roles in Season 12’s show, The Realish Housewives of Fort Myers. The...