‘Crocodile Fever’ is dark...
The national premiere of Crocodile Fever opens at the Laboratory Theatre of Florida on April 12. Meghan Tyler’s...
‘Crocodile Fever’ play da...
Play: Crocodile Fever Playwright: Meghan Tyler Genre: Dark Comedy Synopsis: Alannah’s quiet life in 1989...
‘Ride the Cyclone’ play d...
Play: Ride the Cyclone Book, Music, Lyrics: Jacob Richmond and Brooke Maxwell Genre: Dark Comedy Synopsis: In a...
Modern cult classic and viral hit, ...
The cult classic Ride the Cyclone makes its Southwest Florida premiere at The Laboratory Theater of Florida February...
‘Stew’ play dates, times ...
Play: Stew Playwright: Zora Howard Genre: Drama Synopsis: The tension in the kitchen is boisterously unrelenting....
‘Stew’ chronicles sorrows...
Stew by Zora Howard opens January 19th at The Laboratory Theater of Florida. This fast-paced family dramedy bubbles...
‘Yippee Ki-Yay Merry Christmas&...
Play: Yippee Ki-Yay Merry Christmas! A Die Hard Musical Comedy Book: Michael Shepherd Jordan and Alex Garday Music...
With ‘Yippee Ki-Yay Merry Chris...
This season, Laboratory Theater of Florida is bound and determined to answer the age-old question – is or is not Die...