Synopsis, play dates and ticket infor...
On March 4, The Nether opens at Theatre Conspiracy. It’s a daring examination of moral responsibility in the virtual...
Director Rick Sebastian provides insi...
Director Rick Sebastian is no stranger to directing. He studied acting and directing at Florida Atlantic University...
Spotlight on Playwright Jennifer Hale...
Jennifer Haley is a playwright whose work delves into ethics in virtual reality and the impact of technology on human...
Rick Sebastian
Rick Sebastian appears in the role of Polonius in Mark Harvey Levine’s Save Hamlet for Lab Theater. It’s...
The Amish Project
On this page you will find news, reviews, articles and announcements about the Theatre Conspiracy’s production...
The Bluest Eye
Keeping with Theatre Conspiracy’s latest initiative to produce work that is geared towards minority artists,...
Opening at Theatre Conspiracy on January 7, 2016 is Kayak by Jordan Hall. Alone on a vast stretch of water, Annie...
Mr. Burns, The Post Electric Play
In November, Theatre Conspiracy audiences are in for a real treat with Mr. Burns, The Post Electric Play. Anne...