Spotlight on environmental film ‘Protecting the Monarch Butterfly’
On Saturday, FMff will show Busy in the Battery followed by Protecting the Monarch Butterfly during the 3:30 p.m. Global Environmental Block 2.
Monarch butterflies are one of the most recognizable species on Earth due to their brightly colored wings and black-and-white markings. They also have one of the longest migrations of any insects. Each year, they travel thousands of miles from Canada to Mexico for warmth during the winter months. To successfully complete their migration, they depend on critical habitat during their long journey. More specifically, they depend on milkweed plants within these habitats for food. But residential
and commercial development, deforestation and herbicide use have eliminated milkweed in great numbers, making it difficult for Monarch butterflies to find the food they need to survive. As a result, the World Wildlife Fund estimates that the number of Monarchs has decreased by 80 percent over the last 20 years. Organizations like the Pollinator
Conservation Association are committed to protecting and restoring habitat to help save this iconic species.
May 9, 2022