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Spotlight on River Basin muralist Carolyn Gora


The 27th mural at the Fort Myers River Basin depicts two men in a boat on the Caloosahatchee River. It was painted by Carolyn Gora, as a nod to her maiden name, Fishman.  The original historic photograph appealed to the native Floridian because it reminded her of growing up in St. Petersburg, Florida.  The sunset in the background was influenced by the sunsets on the Caloosahatchee near her home.

Carolyn graduated with a BA and Masters in Art Education from the University of South Florida.  She was an art instructor for thirty years, teaching kindergarten through university.  Carolyn had the honor to open new elementary, middle and high schools.  She taught Jewelry Design at Florida SouthWestern State College or FSW (formally Edison Community College) and Art for the Child at University of South Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University.

While teaching she was honored to be chosen as Middle School Art Educator of the Year for Lee County and Middle School Art Teacher for Florida.   She was a National Board Recipient 2000 and Golden Apple Honoree 2001.  She was a founding member and officer of LAEA (Lee County Art Education Association).

Now retired, Carolyn volunteers and is on the board of the Alliance for the Arts, City of Fort Myers Public Art Committee, Temple Beth El, and Lee and Charlotte County Jewish Federation.  She enjoys working in a variety of mediums, preferring 3-D paper, fiber and glass and has participated in multiple juried art shows.  In between volunteering for non-profits, she loves to travel, read, and garden.

July 26, 2023.

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