Meet ‘Wings’ director Ann...
Arthur Kopit’s Wings opens at the Laboratory Theater of Florida on November 11. Starring Cindy Chase, the play...
In February, Lab Theater will present Art by Yasmina Reza, as translated by Christopher Hampton. This comedy tells...
Stage Kiss
Stage Kiss comes to Lab Theater in November. When a bitter former real-life couple is united onstage to play romantic...
Calendar Girls
Calendar Girls comes to Lab Theater in October. This emotionally charged story by playwright Tim Firth revolves...
The Diary of Anne Frank
Twelve performances of The Diary of Anne Frank come to the Lab Theater on April 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25,...
Agnes of God
Nine performances of Agnes of God come to the Lab Theater – at 8 p.m. on January 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23 and...
My Brilliant Divorce
My Brilliant Divorce opens at the Laboratory Theater of Florida on November 7, with an opening night reception...
Classes and Workshops
The Laboratory Theater of Florida will offer three classes starting in October: Physical Character Creation, Intro to...