Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
Eschewing sexiness for shame in bring...
Jessica Walck’s love affair with theater began in The Dining Room in 2003. Since then, she’s not only developed into...
Jessica Walck
Jessica Walck is an actor and director residing in Naples. Since 2016, she has also served as the Associate Artistic...
Actors, artists, filmmakers and event...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
‘The Eight’ play dates, t...
Play: The Eight: Reindeer Monologues Playwright: Jeff Goode Synopsis: Scandal erupts at the North Pole after one of...
Focus on ‘Smell of the KillR...
Michele Lowe’s murderously funny The Smell of the Kill is on stage through August 26 at Lab Theater. The action...
‘Smell of the Kill’ deliv...
Sometimes you just click with another person and become fast friends. At other times, you simply have nothing in...
‘Smell of the Kill’ play ...
: The Smell of the Kill Playwright: Michele Lowe Plot: Take three delicious, malicious wives, add three miserable,...