’13’ play dates, times and ticket information
Play: 13 the Musical
Book: Robert Horn & Dan Elish
Score & Lyrics: Jason Robert Brown
Synopsis: After his parents’ divorce, Evan Goldman moves from NYC to small-town Indiana. As his 13th birthday nears, he must master the complex social circles of his new school and win friends by turning his Bar Mitzvah into the coolest party ever. Based on the hugely popular musical 13, which debuted on Broadway in 2008, 13 the Musical is a coming-of-age journey through the
unforgettable ups and downs of preteen life.
Director: Kimberly Suskind
Cast (ages 10-18):
- Evan- Braden Heckman
- Archie- Robbie Gosling
- Brett- Ethan Mohring
- Patrice- Mia Zottolo
- Lucy- Hannah Cruz
- Kendra- Halle Heckman
- Malcolm- River Reed (Evan Understudy)
Eddie- Aiden Johnson (Archie Understudy)
- Cassie- Lia Jaquez
- Charlotte- Jackie Gossett (Lucy Understudy)
- Molly- Izy Sedorchuk
- Richie- Skylei Hock (Malcolm & Eddie Understudy)
- Simon- Gabe Cruz (Brett Understudy)
(Cassie understudy), Abigail
- Lagergren (Kendra Understudy)
- ENSEMBLE- Elizabeth Alexander, Rebekah Ali, Olivia Anderson, Layla Butterworth,
- Zoey Domingo, Carlene Lockwood, Abigail Mitchel
Play Dates and Times: Reschedule due to Hurricane Ian to October 21-23.
Place: Gypsy Playhouse, 244 Santa Barbara Blvd in Cape Coral.
Information: For more information, please telephone 239-549-0827.
September 11, 2022; revised October 10, 2022.