Dave Yudowitz
Dave Youdowitz is a local actor who has appeared in numerous local productions including Mitch Albom’s And the Winner Is, David Yaverbaum’s An Act of God (Dave played the archangel Michael), 55 and Over (where he played Moe, a cantankerous 75-year-old who gets evicted from his apartment because he opts to buy groceries and his expensive heart medication in lieu of paying rent), The Diary of Anne Frank, 2014’s summer stock hit, Standing on Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays (in which he rendered a riveting and touching eulogy for his recently-deceased
gay partner of many years in a vignette titled London Mosquitoes), The Interview, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Picasso at the Lapine Agile, The Plague and both Mueller and Marley in Laura Lorusso’s Scrooge TV.
February 20, 2019.