‘Drinking Habits’ play da...
Play: Drinking Habits Playwright: Tom Smith Genre: Comedy/Farce Synopsis: Two nuns at the Sisters of Perpetual...
‘Heathers: The Musical’ p...
Play: Heathers: the Musical Book, Music & Lyrics: Based on the 1989 cult classic film, Heathers the Musical...
TheatreZone-FGCU ‘Heathers̵...
Future stars of the stage collaborate with professional Equity actors in Heathers: The Musical, a joint production of...
James King II
James King II is a local actor. He recently appeared in the role of Phineous Trout for Fort Myers Theatre in Willy...
Kevin Velando
Kevin Velando stars as playboy architect Bernard in Cultural Park Theatre’s production of Boeing Boeing. Last season,...
Visual and Performing Artists and The...
This is who and what’s creating news in Southwest Florida’s visual and performing arts community this week: 1 ...
‘Ian’s Fury’ by Den...
On view in the main gallery of the Alliance for the Arts through September 30 is Storm Stories, a visual art exhibit...
Giana Randall
Giana Randall appears in the role of school bully Savannah in Freaky Friday at Fort Myers Theatre. Giana has loved...