Spotlight on River Basin muralist Dan...
Mural #36 depicts the first passenger train to pull into the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Station in 1904. It was...
Spotlight on River Basin muralist Rub...
Mural #44 at the river basin adjoining Luminary Hotel depicts Henry Ford sitting in a Model T that he presented to...
Spotlight on River Basin muralist Ava...
Mural #18 at the river basin next to Luminary Hotel depicts a mid-day soiree by guests on the pier at the Royal Palm...
Spotlight on River Basin muralist Tar...
Mural #9 is a portrait of Fort Myers’ early settler and first schoolteacher, Evalina Gonzalez. It was painted...
Ethan MacKay
Ethan MacKay portrays the badly-damaged Westerberg High senior J.D. in Heathers the Musical at The Belle...
Julia Styner
Julia Styner plays the part of Pauline Fleming for The Belle Theatre in Heathers the Musical Teen Edition. The...
Spotlight on River Basin muralist Deb...
Mural #40 at the river basin next to Luminary was painted by artist Deb Lawless. When Deb painted this mural, which...
Spotlight on River Basin muralist Lad...
The artist known as LadyLight has painted two of the River Basin murals: #16, which is an aerial view of Fort Myers’...