‘In the Heights’ Director...
In the Heights plays on the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre main stage through May 14. Eliseo Roman directs. He...
Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
Bella Marshall
Isabella Marshall plays the part of Princess Philoclea in Head over Heels for New Phoenix Theatre. She has performed...
Kinetophone film ‘Nursery Favor...
The 1913 Edison kinetophone film Nursery Favorites will be one of three films shown on April 22 on the lawn of Henry...
Edison Ford Winter Estates holding ev...
In the lead up to this year’s Fort Myers Film Festival, the Edison Ford Winter Estates will hold an evening of films...
Carling Witt
Carling Witt appears in the role of Mopsa in New Phoenix Theatre’s production of Head over Heels the Musical. Witt...
Adrial McCloud
Adrial McCloud appears in Lab Theater’s summer spoof, The Birds: A Parody. McCloud has been a performer from...
12th Annual Fort Myers Film Festival ...
The Fort Myers Film Festival will open its 12th annual festival on May 18 with Calendar Girls, a 2022 film about a...