Jamie Woolam
Jamie Woolam plays Combeferre and the Bishop for Melody Lane Theatre in Les Miserables. His character is Enjolras’...
‘Les Mis’ encore performa...
Musical: Les Miserables School Edition – The Encore Novelist: Victor Hugo Synopsis: Les Misérables tells the...
Jerri-Lynne Clayton
Originally from Connecticut, Jerri-Lynne Clayton has been performing since she was 3 years old in everything from...
Lab Theater’s Season 15 now inc...
The Laboratory Theater of Florida will offer sensory-friendly performances of each show during Season 15. Starting...
Some fringe shows go all the way to B...
The first annual Fringe Fort Myers festival may be over, but the aftereffects are yet to be known. Carousel of...
‘Matilda JR’ captures tri...
Matilda JR opens on June 16 at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs. Inspired by the genius of Roald Dahl,...
Visual and Performing Artists and the...
This is who and what’s creating news in Southwest Florida’s visual and performing arts community this week: 1 ...
Fringe Fort Myers wraps; announces Be...
The first annual Fort Myers Fringe Performing Arts Festival wrapped on June 4th with an awards ceremony in which...