Among the short films being screened this year by the Fort Myers Film Festival is CASHED, a dark comedy written and...
Ethan Itzkow
Ethan Itzkow is a stage and film actor who recently ventured into the realm of indie film direction and production,...
Serena Ryen
Serena Ryen is a stage and film actor, screenwriter and filmmaker. In the latter capacity, she wrote, produced and...
On the Way to Lovetown
Among the short films juried into this year’s Fort Myers Film Festival is On the Way to Lovetown, a 15-minute love...
Bird’s Eye
One of the short films being screened this year by the Fort Myers Film Festival is Bird’s Eye. A spellbinding...
Iku Manieva
Among the short films included in this year’s Fort Myers Film Festival is Iku Manieva. The 7-minute-30-second...
Actors, artists, filmmakers and event...
These are the actors, artists, filmmakers and events who are in the news in Southwest Florida this week: Alliance...
Spotlight on February T.G.I.M. celebr...
The final T.G.I.M. of the 2018-2019 season takes place in the grand atrium of the Sidney & Berne Davis Art...