Film and event schedule for Friday, A...
On Friday, April 8, the Fort Myers Film Festival screens a host of shorts, features and documentaries at three...
Film and event schedule for Friday, A...
On Friday, April 8, the Fort Myers Film Festival screens a host of shorts, features and documentaries at three...
Film and event schedule for Thursday,...
The Sixth Annual Fort Myers Film Festival opens on Thursday, April 7. Of course, for most Southwest Florida cineasts,...
Spotlight on ‘Examine & Re...
John Scoular is an award winning filmmaker, director, producer and cinematographer. Together with his wife, Madeline,...
Marcus Jansen documentary chosen as o...
Filmmaker John Scoular has lensed a documentary about the life and art of internationally-acclaimed artist Marcus...
Meet ‘Maya Angelou’ filmm...
The 2016 Fort Myers Film Festival has announced that among the films it will screen this year is the award-winning...
Meet ‘Maya Angelou’ filmm...
The 2016 Fort Myers Film Festival has announced that among the films it will screen this year is the award-winning...
‘Maya Angelou & Still I Ri...
Fort Myers Film Festival announces screenings of Maya Angelou documentary (03-17-16) The 2016 Fort Myers Film...