Spotlight on short film ‘Gretel...
The Fort Myers Film Festival will show Gretel and Hansel: A New Musical during the “Awesome Shorts Block” at 5:00...
Spotlight on ‘In the DriverR...
On Saturday, May 21, the Fort Myers Film Festival will show the short film In the Driver’s Seat during its 5:00 p.m....
Spotlight on short film ‘In the...
On Saturday, May 21, the Fort Myers Film Festival will show the short film In the Driver’s Seat during its 5:00 p.m....
Spotlight on ‘Watch the Feet...
The Fort Myers Film Festival will show the documentary short film Watch the Feet during the “Random & Animated...
Spotlight on animated environmental f...
The Fort Myers Film Festival will show the documentary short film Watch the Feet during the “Random & Animated...
Spotlight on director Daryl Denner
Daryl Denner is a director and actor. As a director, his credits include the short film The Jogger (2021), Unspoken...
Spotlight on ‘Jogger’ act...
Amanda Kristen Troisi is an American actress, writer, editor, director, and an environmentalist known for her leading...
Spotlight on short film ‘The Jo...
The Fort Myers Film Festival will show Daryl Denner’s The Jogger during the “Hottest Indie Film Block” at 9:00 p.m....