Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

To assimilate or not to assimilate, t...
Lab Theater has on stage until November 20 Shakespeare’s The Tempest, one of the Bard’s last plays. With a plot that...

Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Lab’s production of Shakespeare...
The Laboratory Theater of Florida will present William Shakespeare’s The Tempest from November 5 to 20, with two...

‘Tempest’ play dates, tim...
Play: The Tempest Playwright: William Shakespeare; adapted and abridged by Annette Trossbach Genre: Comedy...

Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...