United Nations warns that rising sea levels threaten Statue of Liberty Focus on Dr. Ken Bryant, who plays Victor
The Cast of ‘Empty Plate in the Café du Grand Boeuf’
An Empty Plate in the Café du Grand Boeuf opens at Lab Theater on June 3. A comedy, the play was written by Michael Hollinger and directed by Barry Hazen. The show stars Ken Bryant as Victor. Bryant has directed for the Lab, including this past season’s Velocity of Autumn, and has performed in memorable roles such as Sir Andrew Aguecheek in last month’s Twelfth Night and Skelly in The Rimers of Eldritch. The cast includes Mike Dinko (The Eight, The Underpants), Juan Alejandro, Dave Chesebro, Sage Meyers (all three last seen in
The Rauschenberg Project Play), and Marta Sand, who is making her Lab theater debut.
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